Evaluation of load of upper limb muscles during use of protective gloves to protect from hand knives
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protective gloves
muscle load

How to Cite

TokarskiT., & IrzmańskaE. (2017). Evaluation of load of upper limb muscles during use of protective gloves to protect from hand knives. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 35(3), 105-119. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2017.03.105119


In the case of workers performing occupational activities involving a risk of hand cutting and puncturing a firm grip as well as proper touch sensitivity of hands are important. Inappropriately selected ergonomic gloves can adversely influence comfort associated with lowered precision, tactile sensation, grip strength and dexterity, which, by increased muscle strain, can increase the rate of accidents at work. The aim of this study was to assess the load of the upper limb muscles during the use of selected variants of gloves protecting against slashing and puncture with hand knives. Gloves were selected depending on work task activities performed during cutting of meat. Muscle load was tested during two standard tests (cylinder strength test according to PN-EN 1082-2:2002 and Purdue Pegboard manipulation test) and three tests prepared for proper work tasks during using protective gloves. The use of gloves does not significantly affect muscle load but it had a very big impact on the tests results. Reduction of the parameters determining the efficiency of the upper limb reaches up to 250% thus more than twofold. Therefore, in order to ensure safe working conditions for cutting of meat decreased hand precision and dexterity should be taken into account when performing work tasks.


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