Assessment of spine overload lesions among automotive industry workers
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musculoskeletal disorders
automotive industry
work ergonomics
spine pain

How to Cite

WegnerK., BłaszczykA., OgurkowskaM. B., & ZygmańskaM. (2017). Assessment of spine overload lesions among automotive industry workers. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 35(3), 93-103.


This present article is based on the research performed by one hundred and thirteen men working on the production line of at an automotive manufacturing plant. The selection of the research group was made after a biomechanical analysis of the film material in which the work had been recorded at the various plant sites. Workers from the assembly and foundry departments of the plant were examined. The workers from the selected production line sites participated in a survey. The obtained information regarded body position during work, knowledge of ergonomics, seniority and physical activity during leisure time. The spine pain was reported to be detailed in the cervical and lumbar sections. Numerous painful spinal disorders prompted the search for a link between pain and work experience as well as the age of labourers. There is a statistically significant difference between the mean pain intensity of the cervical and lumbar spine groups of seniority. Studies show that the respondents have no knowledge of the nature of overload lesions. The results of the analysis confirm the existence of the problem of overload lesions among employees of the automotive industry.
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