Aesthetics and impressions aspects in ergonomics with reference to office buildings construction
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office buildings

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ZłowodzkiM. (2017). Aesthetics and impressions aspects in ergonomics with reference to office buildings construction. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 35(3), 167-183.


Aesthetic aspects are rarely brought up in the literature and in ergonomic examinations. They usually constitute the final supplement in elaborated subjects. This situation constitutes a remarkable simplification of the scope of the contemporary influence of aesthetics on the activity and perception of the man living at the beginning of the 21st century in highly developed countries. Along with an increase in the affluence, the aesthetic aspect is acquiring significance as far as priorities of investors are concerned. This situation has been present in office buildings construction for a long time, in which a good location, interesting surrounding and appropriate ‘company’, an attractive form and good architectural detail constitute the visible sign of the position of the company, the element of advertisement and an indicator of the status and the market position. And hence the architecture of office objects has been from the beginning of their coming into existence interesting, often avant-garde, with underscored elements of prestige and demonstration of high quality of construction art. This level depends on many factors, but it is possible to demonstrate that quality of building—company seats—goes hand in hand with the level of development, general affluence and expresses not only an aesthetic quality level but also contributes to the standard of work space. The Author tried to present this viewpoint as exemplified by four objects, erected in the similar time, with comparable market success achieved but in countries of different level of development, i.e. the buildings from: Cracow, Warsaw, Paris and near Oslo.
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