The use of management contracts in the corporate governance of municipal enterprises
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corporate governance effectiveness
mechanism of supervision
management contract
municipal sector

How to Cite

Chrabąszcz-SaradK., & KoziołM. (2017). The use of management contracts in the corporate governance of municipal enterprises. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 33(1), 13-25.


The prerequisite for the proper development of a company is to ensure efficient and effective management by a qualified person, both when we consider the functioning of a private enterprise and a state one. Until recently, it was possible to conclude a standard contract of employment with a manager of a state capital company or apply a managerial contract. Since 9th September 2016 a member of the management body of a company is obliged to conclude a contract for the provision of management services. The primary objective of the corporate governance of municipal enterprises is to provide a state in which the manager is committed to meeting the expectations of stakeholders. The aim of the article is to recall the initial description and research on the use of management contracts in municipal enterprises and assess their effectiveness. It adopted the thesis that management contract is an effective tool for corporate governance of municipal enterprises. The adopted problem of the research was to develop a framework for the analysis of the effectiveness of management contracts in municipal enterprises. The paper uses the studies included in the literature, a conceptual study based on logical reasoning―especially the analysis of factor influence, the method of a questionnaire, expert research and a case study.
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