The aim of this article is to show the differences in the perception of the physical characteristics of the criteria by employers and employees, as well as the identification of areas and scope of these differences for the identification of needs to develop theoretical tools and formulas for practical cooperation in the creation of working conditions. The authors present the contemporary concepts of physical features of work from the point of view of work design as approached by management and ergonomics. The theoretical management model used in the study is the job characteristics concept by Grant, Fried, Juillerat, which, due to the criteria of physical characteristics was related to ergonomic criteria. On this basis, the authors present the results of the study, including the opinions of employees and employers. This made it possible to determine the field of differences in perceiving problems of the physical job characteristics by both groups of respondents and show their theoretical and practical consequences. Significant differences in the views of employers and employees in the area of the criteria for physical characteristics, identified in the research analysis, occur in relation to the psychosocial load and work environment. These criteria of physical characteristics are recognized by employers as less important than the level reported by employees. The presented conclusions are proposals to determine the directions of further research and practical solutions. Such targeted research will enable in future to close the gap between the views of the two groups in terms of health and life of employees.
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