The safety culture of women’s work in an industrial enterprise
Okładka tom 31
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work culture
women’s safety
industrial production

How to Cite

ŁakomyK., NowackiK., & OcieczekW. (2016). The safety culture of women’s work in an industrial enterprise. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 31(3), 131-140.


Social aspects of safety at work are important issues, because the human factor is the cause of most accidents at work (approximately 70% of causes). Therefore, the purpose of work safety management in enterprises should be striving for the growth of a culture of safety, which is an important part of the culture of an organisation. The increase depends, among others, on the involvement with which the employer and employees comply with the established values and standards of conduct shaping the work environment. Based on observation of behaviours, it can be assumed that the employees who better understand and accept the need for changes in the area of health and safety at work are women. This article presents the results of the evaluation of the safety culture of women’s work in one of industrial plants, taking sex, age and the length of service as comparative criteria. Research has shown that there are differences in the perception of the culture of work safety by women and men, particularly in the area of assessment of the organisation of work with regard to its safety. The differences may result from differences in the perception of the working environment and the involvement of workers of both sexes in its evolution. The main conclusion arising from the research concerns the need to take into account the assessment of the working environment by women, which unfortunately is often overlooked in the consultations on the formation of work safety, conducted by employers.
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