The models of ergonomic risk factors managements systems on the example of Polish enterprises
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ergonomic risk factors
system approach
proactive initiatives
return on investment
ergonomic solutions

How to Cite

ZdrodowskiM. (2016). The models of ergonomic risk factors managements systems on the example of Polish enterprises. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 31(3), 149-160.


The main reasons why ergonomics is implemented in Poland seem to be primarily legal requirements, regulations (e.g. VDU’s, manual handlings, health and safety) and rising labour costs (sick leaves, staff turnovers, accidents at work). This is a reactive approach, based on activities of control, and financial audits. Employers do not achieve expected benefits due to single actions and the lack of a systemic approach. However, we can observe positive examples of a proactive approach to ergonomics among Polish enterprises, especially in the field of ergonomic risk factors. Their success is based on a system approach and the integration of ergonomics into the structure of the existing management systems inside the company. The article shows different models of management of ergonomic risk factors in Polish enterprises, and positives examples of return on investment from ergonomic solutions.
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