Possibilities of innovative shaping of work processes
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work humanisation

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Kawecka-EndlerA., & MrugalskaB. (2016). Possibilities of innovative shaping of work processes. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 29(1), 27-37. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2016.01.2737


Contemporary enterprises have to response to changes in the surrounding environment fast and effectively in order to remain on the market and built competitive advantage. However, it is essential to possess knowledge, develop skills and abilities among managers and workers to be able to cope with such challenges. Among them it is also possible to differentiate creativeness, entrepreneurship and innovations which characterise social activities at a greater and greater level. On the basis of such a background, social entrepreneurship, which can offer innovative solutions in work processes, has been developing dynamically in the last decade. In this paper the problem of innovations in enterprises in the context of humanisation of work environment is presented. For this aim, the notions of innovative processes and technical progres are described. Afterwards, the aspects of shaping work processes in respect to possibilities and needs of labour market are widely discussed. In the next part of the paper the results of the research concerning comprehension of work process and innovativeness in industrial practice are presented. The analysis of the study shows a wide scope of the interpretation of both issues among the respondents, which was confirmed in the literaturę review. The main aims of enterprise innovativeness are: being active in practice, continuous analysis of realisation of activities, systematic consideration of changes in the surrounding environment, achievement of better and more effective economic solutions and specific knowledge at each work stand.

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