The assessment of workload in case of multiple repetitive tasks performance
Okładka tom 29
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repetitive task workload
Assessment of Repetitive Tasks
job rotation

How to Cite

JachK. (2016). The assessment of workload in case of multiple repetitive tasks performance. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 29(1), 51-60.


A standard method for repetitive task workload evaluation is OCRA (Occupational Repetitive Action), recommended for use in PN-EN 1005-5: 2007 standard. However, the problem with proper assessment occurs, if the same employee performs a variety of different repetitive work tasks during a single workday. In this situation, the results of the assessment of the workload by OCRA or other methods of the upper limbs workload evaluation (RULA, JSI) are unreliable. To evaluate the workload in this case, the Assessment of Repetitive Tasks of the Upper Limbs method (ART) was applied. The method is recommended for use by the British Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The ART method evaluates the repetitive tasks performed by the upper limbs, including a variety of activities making up the workload. The usefulness of ART method for detecting and assessing the risk associated with repetitive tasks as well as static workload is shown in the article.
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