Management practices and well-being of employees of local government units
Okładka tom 29
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well-being of employees
human resource management
management practices

How to Cite

KoziołL., & BuzowskaB. (2016). Management practices and well-being of employees of local government units. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 29(1), 39-48.


The article points to the well-being of staff both on the individual level but also on a larger scale as an important factor affecting the implementation of the objectives faced by the organisation. Taking into account the characteristics of the paper as defined in Peter Warr’s vitamin model, Blanchard’s and Walton’s concepts, we are trying to show the management practices that can have a positive impact on the welfare of employees. We analysed management activities in four areas: delegation – understood as the transfer of the superior part of the management functions, work control – currently performed by the superior, aimed at ensuring the proper conduct of the processes within the organisation, evaluation of work and professional development, and respect for the principles and ethical standards, both in relation to employees, as well as office customers. In each case, the analysed area indicates the role of managers in building welfare of their workers and the need to increase the awareness of the management in the field of management actions on the welfare of workers. In this context, the importance of communicative competence of the executives at all levels of management is highlighted, which is the basis for building proper atmosphere of trust and cooperation, both between superiors and subordinates, as well as inside the team of employees.
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