Economic and business aspects of development of the energy sector in Świętokrzyskie Province
Okładka tom 27
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energy security
cost-effectiveness of renewable energy sector
energy efficiency
ecological energy

How to Cite

PrzybytniowskiJ. W., & PacholarzW. M. (2015). Economic and business aspects of development of the energy sector in Świętokrzyskie Province. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 27(2-3), 27-37.


The energy sector in Poland is faced with serious European and global challenges in respect of innovative energy management, including in particular the development of proven paths of funding and risk hedging in the most technologically and economically developed societies of modern market economy (for more information: Przybytniowski, 2014, pp. 53-62; Grzebieniak, 2015, pp. 59-65). The use of renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency is becoming one of the leading directions of the activities of the country, in order to shape the regional specialization in the development strategy of Świętokrzyskie Province, including the preservation of unique landscape values in the European and global scale. The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the development of the Polish energy sector on the example of Świętokrzyskie Province. Based on the above aim of the study, a thesis was formulated that the energy security policy is becoming a longer perspective of the needs for the access to the main energy resources. For further analysis of the issues in question, the author used the knowledge contained in the literature of the subject and statistical data presenting the status and the structure of the Province in the area of the energy sector development.
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