Ergonomic aspects and arduousness of work as a traditional warehouseman and the warehouseman supported by voice system: Comparative analysis
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warehouseman’s work
warehouseman’s work organization
voice-directed warehousing
warehouse ergonomics

How to Cite

ŻywiołekJ. (2015). Ergonomic aspects and arduousness of work as a traditional warehouseman and the warehouseman supported by voice system: Comparative analysis. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 28(4), 59-67.


The article presents the ergonomic aspects of work storekeeper and warehouseman traditional voice-assisted system. The assessment of energy expenditure was developed while performing different activities related to work, which is important for ergonomics and also supports the work of the security services and occupational health in enterprises. The study underwent a warehouseman working in a traditional manner and assisted by warehouse voice system. With particular attention the workload for both positions was described. A chronometric-tabular analysis by Lehmann has been carried out, allowing the assessment of energy expenditure at work. Assessment of energy expenditure was assessed by an estimation, so it was necessary to enumerate all activities of a warehouseman working in a traditional way and a warehouseman working with voice-assisted system. This was a two-stage assessment, in the first stage the body position was evaluated, which allowed to estimate energy expenditure serving to maintain this position. In the second stage, strain energy was assessed on the basis of work performed during work activities. The energy cost of operation was determined by adding the results obtained in both stages. In the case of a clerk-assisted voice system warehouseman the energy expenditure was reduced by 115 kcal/min. Reduced energy expenditure positively contributes to the quality of work. ‘The release of’ hands of the employee and the possibility of a special kind of ‘conversation’ with the voice system involved in the process of picking goods allow for efficient operation.


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