Supporting students with disabilities in entering the job market by applying coaching tools
Okładka tom 40


coaching tools
job market
students with disabilities

How to Cite

ZinkowskaK., RytelewskaA., & OlszewskiJ. (2018). Supporting students with disabilities in entering the job market by applying coaching tools. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 40(4), 115-129.


The article constitutes a description of the project taking place at one of Polish universities1. The authors have been trying to point out the fact that applying a coaching method could help persons with disabilities achieve their professional goals by discovering their potential. When pursuing their plans, persons with disabilities often come across obstacles that prevent them from achieving their goals that are present in their closest environment. The authors have pointed out that applying appropriately selected tools during training courses and coaching sessions will allow students to overcome the barriers to obtain their dream jobs. This article has two parts. The first part presents a theoretical discussion on the concept of coaching. The second part, empirical, describes assumptions of the project that is being implemented at one of the universities. The assumptions to the project included an analysis of students’ disabilities and suggested the most effective coaching tools compatible with students’ disabilities. The analyses constitute introduction to further actions such as the implementation of coaching tools and results’ analysis.


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