Widespread use of modern technologies in manufacturing enterprises, operating in the European Union
Okładka tom 38
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advanced/modern technology

How to Cite

BarukJ. (2018). Widespread use of modern technologies in manufacturing enterprises, operating in the European Union . The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 38(2), 53-69. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2018.02.5369


The aim of the publication is to make a statistical and comparative analysis of the universality of planning and use of modern technologies in production enterprises, operating in the European Union Member States. The basis for such analysis is the empirical material derived from TNS Political & Social questionnaire surveys carried out in February 2015 and 2016. Two research methods were used to prepare the publication: critical-cognitive analysis of literature and statistical-comparative analysis of the empirical material. The article consists of an introduction, an empirical part and a conclusion. The analysis of the empirical material indicates a relatively low and diversified universality of planning and use of advanced technologies. On average, 66% of enterprises in the EU did not use any modern technologies which was 14 percentage points more than a year before. 64% of enterprises did not plan to use any advanced technology in the following 12 months which was 12 pp. more than a year before. The reasons for such a situation seem to be: management errors; focus on current affairs; avoidance of strategic and innovative management; limited interest in market information acquisition; too little inclusion of clients into co-creation of values; limited cooperation with external organizations within the network.

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