The use of tax reliefs made by entrepreneurs, on the example of the innovative activities tax relief usage in the Łódź and Lower Silesia voivodships
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tax relief
tax system
income tax

How to Cite

KasprzakP. (2018). The use of tax reliefs made by entrepreneurs, on the example of the innovative activities tax relief usage in the Łódź and Lower Silesia voivodships. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 38(2), 41-50.


The following article describes issues related to Polish tax policy concerning tax reliefs and exemptions provided for entrepreneurs in the scope of research and development activities, including innovative initiatives. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the policy of tax preferences in relation to the projects undertaken by entrepreneurs, with particular emphasis on the use of reliefs and exemptions. The article describes the mechanism of so-called new technologies tax relief, which was available for entrepreneurs till the end of 2015 and a new relief, which came into force at the beginning of 2016. The research method adopted by the author includes literature studies and analysis of data published by the tax administration, as well as information obtained from about 323 152 entities located in the Łódź and Lower Silesia voivodships, provided by 52 tax offices under the public information access. The time range covers the years 2009–2016. This study is an original review of literature as well as legal and statistical data. The results can be the basis for further, more detailed research on the issues presented, for example, while taking into account the population of all the enterprises in Poland.
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