The concept of analysis and reconstruction of the work time system in the enterprise
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work time system
work method
work time system improvement
multi-shift work

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KoziołL., & KoziołM. (2018). The concept of analysis and reconstruction of the work time system in the enterprise. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 38(2), 101-117.


The aim of the article is to present the concept of the analysis of the work time system in the enterprise, as well as the presentation of empirical research results. Work time analysis still remains a poorly recognized issue of economic analysis. The basic research problem is the identification of the organizational gap, which can be described as the difference between the working methods used in the company and the employed working time system, as well as indication of the possible ways of the gap elimination. A thesis, assuming the correspondence between the working time system and the working method, was adopted. The concept of working method mentioned in the article includes: elements of the production system, elements of the work system and working conditions. These systems (subsystems of the working method) should take into account the principle of economy of operation. These systems (subsystems of the working method) should take into consideration the principle of the economy of operation. The course of analytical procedure (research methodology,  suggested in the article, includes the following stages: identification of organizational units and substructures of the enterprise as well as the applied method of work, analysis and evaluation of the working time system, determination of ways to improve the working time system. In support of the thesis, the empirical part of the article presents the results of research in the form of a case study (case study protocols). It describes and assesses work time systems together with identified methods of work in the coking industry enterprise as well as the creative industry companies (freelancing) employing external experts. The economic analysis results were supplemented with opinions of the management staff and employees, being used to improve the existing working time system. The research methods were used to implement the indicated purpose: the analysis of the prior research results, economic analysis, the elements of ergonomic analysis, interview and questionnaire.
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