Cost based model of differentiated premiums for accident insurance
Okładka tom 22
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economic incentives
premium differentiation
risk category
cost-based system
corrective co-efficient

How to Cite

RzepeckiJ. (2013). Cost based model of differentiated premiums for accident insurance. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 22(1), 119-131.


In the developed countries, the data on the cost of compensation payments by insurance institutions provide the basis for differentiating premiums in the system of workers’ accident insurance. The paper identifies a number of drawbacks to the system of premiums differentiation in workers’ accident insurance now effective in Poland, which is based on the data on the causes and effects of work-related hazards. The paper also proposes a model of premium differentiation system, which is adjusted to Polish circumstances and assumes that a risk category would be determined in line with the ratio between the data on the cost of new compensations paid by ZUS (Social Insurance Institution), and the basis for the calculation of premiums in workers’ insurance against occupational accidents and diseases. As envisaged in the draft model, the varied bonus-malus system would be used depending on the number of workers notified for social insurance in a given company. Additionally, the paper presents the results of a pilot project aimed at the verification of the system of premiums differentiation for accident insurance on the basis of data from 10 companies representing the railway energy sector.
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