Rationalization of employment and the concept of flexible firm
Okładka tom 22
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human resources
rationalization of employment
personnel policy
personnel management
forms of employment
flexible business model

How to Cite

BienW. (2013). Rationalization of employment and the concept of flexible firm. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 22(1), 9-23. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2013.01.923


In the highly competitive market the rational management of human resources is of great importance to a company. The success of the company in the market is the result of proper selection, motivation and maintaining competent staff who will best fulfil its objectives. The need for innovation and adapting to the changes required by the company include the use of new forms of management and flexible employment structures. Flexible forms of employment adjust the number and kind of employees to quantitative, qualitative and temporal needs of work in varying environments. They lead to full utilisation of potential and working time of the employees and allow for lower operating costs. The model of “flexible firm” determines the optimal employment.
The article is devoted to the issues concerning the development of an optimal structure of employment on the basis of the concept of flexible business management. It explains the main definitions related to human resources management and evaluates factors affecting changes in the level and structure of employment in Polish enterprises. It also discusses the model of flexible firm and flexible forms of employment, increasingly used by companies. The reflections were based on the analysis of literature and current practices in enterprises.

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