The identity of culture groups in the process of globalization
Okładka tom 22
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ethnic group
national minority
national identity
minority rights

How to Cite

SorysS. (2013). The identity of culture groups in the process of globalization. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 22(1), 155-171.


The ongoing process of globalisation associated with global political and economic changes has a significant impact on the cultural sphere, contributing to its unification and universal acquisition of mass culture model. It also influences ethnic communities and national minorities, whose pursuit of preservation of separate identity is carried out under cultural pressure of a given country and popular culture. This article presents an attempt to show factors affecting the formation of cultural diversity of ethnic groups and national minorities. It also defines the concepts of globalisation and metropolisation and shows the threats created by these phenomena for the social and cultural spheres. It presents the concept of culture, contemporary socio-cultural changes involving the shift from traditional society to industrial society. It outlines the concept of an ethnic group and a national minority, differences between these communities and modern mechanisms for the creation thereof. This article highlights the rights of national minorities in Poland in accordance with applicable laws. It also presents the population and territorial distribution of the largest national and ethnic groups in Poland based on the results of the 2011 National Census of Population and Housing. The changes that have occurred in Poland after the political transformation period created good conditions for the preservation and development of culture and traditions of minority groups. In this respect, the Polish law is adjusted to the requirements of the EU and it does not restrict the socio-cultural development of national minorities, which contributes to the ongoing revival of minority cultures, growing interest in belonging with them and exposing that sense of belonging.
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