Open source currency and balanced credit size
Okładka tom 16


credit size
money creation
labour productivity

How to Cite

Mieczysław DobijaM. D. (2010). Open source currency and balanced credit size. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 16(2), 39-55.


What is the adequate size of credit for a given economy? What variables are essential in order to solve this problem? A solution of this task points to variables: the volume of compensations, the real labour productivity ratio, and the percentage of pays changed into bank deposits. These three categories determine the maximum value of credit, and this size does not boost inflation. However, compensations should be in accord with the amount of employees—the human capital. Considerations and computations presented here are in tune with perceiving capital as an abstract category of the capacity of doing work, and money as work receivables as discussed in the earlier papers. Considering the triad: capital—labour—money is the key for finding the solution of the agenda. In addition, the accurate concept of capital leads to an innovative interpretation of the economic matters. In the paper the solution of the problem is introduced as a part of theoretical clarification of the open source currency economic system.


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