Effectiveness assessment of managerial contracts in municipal enterprises
Okładka tom 37
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effectiveness of corporate governance
owner’s supervision
civil contract
municipal sector

How to Cite

KoziołL., & Chrabaszcz-Sarad K. (2018). Effectiveness assessment of managerial contracts in municipal enterprises . The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 37(1), 53-67. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2018.01.5367


The aim of the article is to present the concept of assessing the effectiveness of managerial contracts in municipal enterprises and presentation of the results of empirical research. The subject of the research was the description of the municipal enterprises sector, the identification of economic and organizational as well as legal conditions for the implementation of managerial contracts and the presentation of the opinions of the presidents of the surveyed companies.

The identification of benefits and dysfunctions of managerial contracts introduced as well as identification of ways to improve this form of employment of people in managerial positions were acknowledged as a research problem. In the study the method of analysing the results of research of predecessors, the method of financial analysis and the technique of interview with managers of the surveyed enterprises, interviews with representatives of the owner—local government units—were used.

The article is divided into three significant parts. The first one is an explanation the contract concept and discussion of the process of preparing a managerial contract. The conclusion was drawn stating that effective management can only be provided by a motivation system that will allow to appreciate the competences and results obtained and balance the risk and the responsibility that rests on the managerial staff. Managerial contracts, which play a large role in the theory and practice of corporate governance, are to fulfill this function. The second part of the article presents the characteristics of the municipal enterprises sector. The last part of the article is a presentation of the results of preliminary empirical research on the use of contracts in the practice of municipal enterprises.

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