Selected applications of information technologies supporting individuals of all limbs motor disability in controlling a personal computer
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information society
people with disabilities
universal design

How to Cite

JachK., & Piwińska J. (2018). Selected applications of information technologies supporting individuals of all limbs motor disability in controlling a personal computer . The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 37(1), 71-84.


The article presents an overview of modern technologies with their possible application by individuals with limited motor ability of all limbs replacing traditional solutions, i.e. a mouse and a computer keyboard. Due to applied technologies, the solutions being discussed have been classified into four groups: based on face tracking, based on eye tracking, based on an object location recognition and others. Analysing representatives of each group a comparison of the technologies according to nine criteria which are significant from a user’s point of view has been made. The weight of particular criteria has been assigned on the basis of a survey research. It has been determined that despite comparable cumulative evaluations of the systems, a selection of a system ought to be each time based on a user’s individual needs.
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