Non-obligatory employee trainings and perception of work safety culture
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employees training
health and safety
health and safety culture

How to Cite

Ocieczek W. (2018). Non-obligatory employee trainings and perception of work safety culture . The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 37(1), 103-111.


Development of human capital in an organization contributes to shaping proper attitudes of employees and employers towards occupational health and safety. This is a constant and time consuming process. Trainings are an important element of building proper culture of an enterprise and at the same time the culture of occupational health and safety being its part, and have to be adjusted to a company’s needs and specificity of its operation. The article presents theoretical aspects of trainings in an organization, for example the design phase of a training and next goes on to the problem of occupational health and safety culture perception by the surveyed employees. The studies are based on partial research results regarding the perception of occupational health and safety culture in enterprises of industrial sector connected thematically with the subject of this article. The results indicate a close relationship between trainings activities and perception of occupational health and safety culture. Next, the Author aims at presenting the most important recommendations for the studied enterprise as far as the worst-graded points are concerned, which in a further perspective could strengthen the occupational health and safety culture by means of, among other, a selection of proper trainings and adequate involvement of employees.
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