The unemployment in the protected areas―the case of Świętokrzyskie Province
Okładka tom 8
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protected area
local labour market
unemployment in rural area
conference materials

How to Cite

Popławski Łukasz. (2005). The unemployment in the protected areas―the case of Świętokrzyskie Province. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (8), 109-122.


The area covered by protected areas in Poland sums up to 33.1% and amount of it varies as far as single regions are concerned; the region with the highest percentage of areas covered by them is in Świętokrzyskie Province - 62%. The researches were carried out in the Świętokrzyskie Province. The paper shows the scale and structure of unemployment in the communes of Świętokrzyskie Province on protected areas in year 2003. The market economy introduction exposes imperfection of the labour market and the structure of employment in Poland. Process of shifting unemployment from urban to rural areas. Over 38 percent of total Polish population live in the country but share of unemployment in the rural areas exceeds 50 percent - taking into consideration both open and hidden unemployment. On the ground of a simple analysis you can draw a conclusion that unemployment in protected areas vary in particular parishes of the Świętokrzyskie province (the highest in the parishes of the Starachowicki district, the lowest in the Kazimierski district) and it depends on local conditions. Moreover, it is necessary to carry out detailed research in order to check, what kind of influence the protected areas have on the development of enterprise and unemployment rate. Presumably this process is likely to continue at least till 2010.
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