Deceptive advertising as the act of dishonest competition
Okładka tom 6
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unfair advertising
unfair competition
legal regulations
combating unfair competition

How to Cite

Joanna AblewiczJ. A. (2004). Deceptive advertising as the act of dishonest competition. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (6), 9-25.


The article shows one of many examples of acts of dishonest competition, which is deceptive and banned advertising. The authoress has enumerated kinds of deceptive advertising, defined not only in the act against dishonest competition, but also in specific regulations. Next to the definition of deceptive advertising some suitable examples have been provided and appropriate order issued by the Supreme Court has been quoted. Some legislative means aiming at protection of people whose interests were abused by deceptive advertising have also been showed here.
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