Investment policy of insurance in Poland as the example of investment activities on the financial market
Okładka tom 6
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insurance activity
insurance company
capital deposit
insurance supervision

How to Cite

BacM. (2004). Investment policy of insurance in Poland as the example of investment activities on the financial market. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (6), 27-38.


In the financial statement of economic entities performing insurance activities, investments are the primary element of the assets, largely influencing the financial results of the insurer. Safety of the investments is the subject of a special insurance supervision and it is regulated by the act of 28 July 1990 concerning insurance activity, amended in July 2000. The right investment policy of an insurance company and the appropriate financial instruments may decide about its profitability and competitiveness. The aim of the present paper is to describe the investment activities of insurance companies in Poland and to present their investment portfolio in the years 1998-2000.
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