Legal issues of economic activities faced by the local governments
Okładka tom 6
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local government economic activity
local government
public utilities
public utility company
legal forms of economic activity
organizational and legal forms of enterprises

How to Cite

ZielińskiT. (2004). Legal issues of economic activities faced by the local governments. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (6), 153-174.


The paper brings up the legal aspects of taking up and performing the business activity by the local governments. The aim of the author is to give answers to the following questions: — what has the legislative authority meant by the idea of "business activity" taken up by local governments: what differs it from the business activity performed by a commercial entities and under what legal regulations local governments have been authorized to perform such activities, — what's the acceptable range of business activities performed by local governments, with particular consideration of criteria which differentiate business activity in the field of public utilities and commercial activities, — in what legal-organizational forms may local governments perform business activity?
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