On-line selling (selected legal issues)
Okładka tom 6
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consumer protection
consumer law
Poland's economic integration with the EU
legal aspects of sales

How to Cite

Janusz KoczanowskiJ. K. (2004). On-line selling (selected legal issues). The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (6), 79-96. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2004.02.7996


The subject of this paper deals with on-line selling in consumer turnover, which is one of the oldest and most commonly concluded contracts, carried out however with the use of modern and more and more common medium which is the Internet. The paper shows specific legal consequences resulting from such contracting in consumer turnover, presented against the legally binding regulations applied by the European Union and most updated Polish regulations, particularly the ones applied in the field of different ways and techniques of concluding contracts via the Internet, legal qualification of the form in which the contract has been concluded, the use of electronic signature while concluding contracts via the Internet, special protection of customers who conclude contracts "at a distance", including the use of the Internet, and legal forms of payment for the Internet transactions

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