Transfer of technology against the process of globalization in a modern economic life
Okładka tom 6
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technology transfer (TT)
R&D sector
progress in science and technology
economic globalization

How to Cite

KuderD. (2004). Transfer of technology against the process of globalization in a modern economic life. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (6), 97-107.


The purpose of this article is to present the relations between the process of globalization and the transfer of technology and additionally to say a few words about the issues, which are related to these concepts. At present the research and technical development and their spread is regarded as the most important factor of molding the globalization. On the other hand however, the process of globalization may affect the transfer of technology. The paper shows the interaction between these two phenomena: on one hand, the process of globalization enhances the need to develop and to make use of high technology, though on the other hand the technological development accelerates the process of globalization.
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