Stabilisation problem of a public debt in Poland
Okładka tom 1
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economic stabilization
public debt
state budget
budget deficit
debt management
conference materials

How to Cite

GajdaM. (1999). Stabilisation problem of a public debt in Poland. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, (1), 91-103.


This paper entitled "Stabilisation problem of a public debt in Poland" analysis tendencies in managing the public loan in Poland, with particular respect to the period of 1990-1996. Since 1990 there has been a gradual restriction of NBP position as it comes to financing the budget deficit, until a complete prohibition of the deficit direct financing by the central bank became an entry in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in 1997. Extension of time limits necessary for issuing treasury securities and increasing the flexibility of their turnover on the secondary market since the dematerialization of treasury bonds in 1995 is significant. This paper also analyses the factors, which in 1990-1996 affected the level of debt in an absolute depiction and in relation to GDP, as well as it shows some changes in the term structure of a public debt and tendencies of domestic and foreign debt participation in the total amount of public debt, as well as in relation to GDP. Participation of public debt service costs included in annual budget expenses and in GDP, has also been shown, the same as factors which let Poland fulfill the Maastricht Treaty Requirements in 1995-1996 – the level of public debt in relation to GDP did not generally exceeded 60% and the budget deficit in relation to GDP was 3% lower. The summary of the paper includes some recommendations on economy policy (especially fiscal one), which should contribute to solving a problem of future public debt growing, in order to limit its disadvantageous influence on economy and to conform Poland to the requirements established in this field by the European Union
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