Brand perception versus the economic situation of consumers
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brand perception
brand significance

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CzeczotkoM., Kudlińska-ChylakA., DanielakP., & Górska-WarsewiczH. (2017). Brand perception versus the economic situation of consumers. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 34(2), 47-58.


The aim of the study was to show selected aspects of brand perception as a factor influencing the purchasing consumer process. Special attention was given to the understanding of the concept of brand and a branded product, brand functions, as well as consumer opinions related to brand perception, brand loyalty and favourite brands. The results were presented for three income groups of the respondents: up to 1,000 PLN per person per month, 1,001–2,000 PLN, as well as above 2,001 PLN. The term of brand is identified with logo, symbol, producer and the name. The significance of brand in the decision making process is related to economic factors analysed through the prism of price and income. The role of prices as a factor influencing the decision making process was highest among the lowest income group (up to 1,000 PLN). It should be emphasised that the perception of brand as a factor determining the decision making process depends on the household income and the prices of branded products.
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