The subject of the article is the analysis of the impact of common use of multicriterial assessment buildings systems, most of all office buildings on the quality of the work environment in these facilities. The article has been discussed the general principles of certification, including the division into categories and individual criteria; criteria were presented in greater detail, which in the assessment of the work environment quality are based on the LEED method—this is one of the most popular methods for assessing buildings. Due to the fact that Poland remains the indisputable leader of Central and Eastern Europe in terms of the number of certificates obtained for multicriterial assessment of buildings. The estimation trend of these assessment methods was shown on the example of investments implemented in Poland. A detailed analysis of the method and degree of criteria fulfil included in the selected LEED assessment method was also carried out for Polish buildings—their location and time of creation were particularize, as well as the evaluation obtained in the final certification process. The analysis closes the summary in which the answer to the question posed at the beginning was presented. It was a question about the influence and possible magnitude of the multicriterial certification development of office buildings as an indicator of modernity and quality of work environment.
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