About the idea of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the aspect of the staff and aesthetic-sensual expression
ZN MWSE 1-2019 okładka
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Industry 4.0
industrial revolution

How to Cite

ZłowodzkiM. (2019). About the idea of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the aspect of the staff and aesthetic-sensual expression. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 41(1), 125-141. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2019.01.125141


Highly developed countries owe their modern prosperity to the development of industry. A process known as the Industrial Revolution has been going on since the 18th century. Currently, there are four stages of this Revolution. The last of them conceptionally initiated already in 21st century. It is popularly called Industry 4.0. Its idea relies on fully robotization of production in the atmosphere of intelligent cities and buildings. It also involves the return of production from Asian countries to high technology countries. It is expected that there will be significant changes in scheme of employment structure and in the expansion of research structures. There will also be changes in staff training―especially in the field of technical sciences and IT. The direction of development of the architecture of new structures is unknown here. However, it is possible to suppose actions aimed at minimalism, abstractionism and emphasizing ecological aspects.

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