Entrepreneurial opportunity scanning in the digital age
ZN MWSE 2-2019 okładka


digital technologies
business ventures

How to Cite

FouskasK. (2019). Entrepreneurial opportunity scanning in the digital age. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 42(2), 101-114. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2019.02.101114


In this paper we focus on the opportunity scanning part of the entrepreneurial process and examine whether digitally oriented entrepreneurs vary in terms of information seeking and utilization, skills and experience and motivation compared to non-digitally oriented ones. In order to do so we conducted 52 semi-structured interviews in new business ventures from Greece, equally divided between the two groups mentioned above. The results indicate that although there are significant differences in terms of information seeking and utilization, entrepreneurs of both kinds pose similar skills and experience and have relevant motivation regarding the opportunity scanning process. To this end we believe that further research should be done regarding the entrepreneurial process to examine the impact of digital technologies and set the foundation to factors that can improve the success of new venture creation through utilization of digital tools.



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