FinTech—definition, taxonomy and historical approach
Okładka tom 45


definition of FinTech
history of FinTech
taxonomy of FinTech

How to Cite

RateckaP. (2020). FinTech—definition, taxonomy and historical approach. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 45(1), 53-67.


For more than decade, the financial industry has experienced a continuous evolution in service delivery due to digitalization. Financial technology, commonly called FinTech, is now a highly used buzzword. FinTech brings about a new paradigm in which enterprises use modern technology to create innovations in the financial sector. This phenomenon, although widely discussed in modern literature, has many gaps in research. These special shortages are apparent in terms of its correct understanding. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to summarize FinTech in terms of definition, history and taxonomy. In the field of reviewing results, publishing and reporting results, as well as the results of the biggest consulting companies, a preview of various authors related to FinTech definitions was made. In addition, the stages of its development were grouped and discussed as well as criteria for types of FinTech phenomena were described. This is a review article.


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