Behaviours towards creativity of SMEs employees
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Subcarpathian Voivodeship

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SzaraK. (2020). Behaviours towards creativity of SMEs employees. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 45(1), 123-135.


Creativity is a complex phenomenon, a set of skills that allow a different perception of the world and creation of new ideas. The purpose of the paper was to assess some behaviours towards creativity of SMEs employees. The behaviours were analyzed in terms of the characteristics that predispose employees to creative behaviour and selected environmental conditions. In the article the outcomes of the study on the creative behaviour of SMEs employees from the Subcarpathian Voivodeship have been presented. In enterprises, especially small and medium ones, personality traits mentioned in the literature are not always dominant. Experience, persistence, intelligence and knowledge are particularly important for respondents. It is worth emphasizing that there are creative behaviours among enterprises that run various business activities, and that are classified according to different PCA (Polish Classification of Activities), but due to various activity profiles, such behaviours can be described as “medium”. The assessments of respondents’ behaviours in the workplace indicate that most of them can achieve their goals, they are not afraid to take risks and challenges. This can be considered as determinants of creativity.


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