Reinsurance of insurance companies in the chosen groups of the second sector on the Polish market within the period of 2017–2018
Okładka tom 45


motor insurance
financial insurance

How to Cite

GrzebieniakA. (2020). Reinsurance of insurance companies in the chosen groups of the second sector on the Polish market within the period of 2017–2018. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 45(1), 13-26.


The aim of this article is to evaluate the level of reinsurance used by Polish national insurance companies in the second insurance sector and in its certain groups within the period of 2017–2018. The conducted analysis shows that over the period 2017–2018 both in all the financial insurance (the second insurance sector) as well as in its particular groups like motor third party liability insurance or motor own damage insurance for land vehicles there is a trend of an increase of ceded premiums starting from 2009. The level of premiums in the second sector has doubled and in the case of motor third party liability insurance and motor own damage insurance it has tripled. Such an increase results from two factors. On the one hand, there are higher capital requirements concerning capital requirements for insurance companies with large exposures due to Solvency II. The second factor is the increasing insecurity as far as the future payments are concerned. The increase in the ceded premiums in financial insurance in the analyzed period was not as dynamic as in case of motor third party liability insurance or motor own damage insurance between 2010 and 2016, still it doubled, so the pace of the increase was comparable to the increase of the ceded premiums in the whole insurance market. The highest level of the ceded premiums was observed in group 14 and it amounted about 65% of the total value of the ceded premiums. The percentage was much lower in groups 15 and 16 and it was 52% and 40% respectively. The trend of growth in ceded premiums to the reinsurer in those groups has been stable since 2010.


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