Innovative and investment safety of finance in Ukraine as factor of its financial system balancing
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safety of finance
financial system
financial stability

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GarasyimP., PrzybytniowskiJ. W., & GerasymenkoO. (2020). Innovative and investment safety of finance in Ukraine as factor of its financial system balancing. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 45(1), 27-40.


The authors consider features and threats to innovations and investment safety of finance in Ukraine as a balance factor of its financial system. They study the influence of innovative and investment components of safety of finance at the level of the state financial system balancing as one of the indicators of financial safety in Ukraine. The authors have come to a conclusion that it is necessary to modify state influence on innovations and investment activity in order to strengthen financial safety in Ukraine. Simplification and organization of state administration, creating conditions for self-regulation in the market of innovation and investment components of financial safety are absolutely necessary to solve problems connected with creating a favourable climate for investment in Ukraine, to achieve the balance of its financial system and, also, to maintain financial safety in Ukraine at an appropriate level. For the research the analysis of the dynamics was used where the sizes and directions of development of the studied phenomena were presented, i.e., to find the degree of increase or decrease in time of a studied phenomenon. In this regard statistical time series was applied. Research shows, when the volume of direct foreign investments increased, the negative unbalance of state financial system constantly deepened from 2003 to 2012, while recently, the balance level has stabilized. It can be the consequence of reduction of receivables of direct foreign investments and reduction of financing of innovative activity, which is proven by the authors’ research.


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