Split payment mechanism in the economy of small and medium-sized enterprises
Okładka tom 44


split payment
SME sector
tax gap

How to Cite

KowalA. (2019). Split payment mechanism in the economy of small and medium-sized enterprises. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 44(4), 39-51. https://doi.org/10.25944/znmwse.2019.04.3951


The size and stability of VAT revenues is extremely important for conducting financial policy. European countries take various initiatives, due to the overall amount of tax fraud. The purpose of the discussion conducted in the article is to analyze the essence of the split payment mechanism (SPM) as an instrument to combat tax fraud and evaluate it from the point of view of: construction of tax regulations and benefits in connection with its use by business units and from the perspective of the small and medium-sized enterprises. The article uses a critical analysis of legal acts and the method of structured interviews with owners of small and medium enterprises. The conclusion of these considerations is that SPM is negatively assessed by most of the units surveyed and causes practical problems in their functioning. Solutions that the legislator can introduce to make the split payment mechanism more attractive for Polish entrepreneurs were presented. In November 2019, a mandatory split payment for selected goods and services will be introduced, and so far the VAT amendment causes problems with financial fluidity of enterprises. It also turns out that the tax incentives proposed by the legislator are not adequate in relation to the problems encountered when performing split payment operations. The experiences of other European countries in combating tax fraud by introducing SPM were recalled. Further analysis of the effectiveness of this solution should take into account its impact on the functioning and financial fluidity of enterprises.



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