Reporting of financial indicators by Polish housing cooperatives―current state and own proposal
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financial indicators
housing cooperatives

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BrzeskaA., & JędrzejewskiS. (2019). Reporting of financial indicators by Polish housing cooperatives―current state and own proposal. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 44(4), 13-24.


The article is the result of the author’s empirical research covering the evaluation of the effectiveness and economic and financial conditio of housing cooperatives by means of the indicator analysis of financial statements. The aim of the article is to identify and compare the scope of voluntary disclosures of financial indicators in management reports on the activity of housing cooperatives. It outlines the key differences between the housing company and the housing cooperative as regards the principles for the preparation and assessment of financial statements and the functioning of both entities. The financial statements of housing cooperatives were also evaluated in terms of their potential in the financial analysis, indicating the limitations resulting from the most common rules of their preparation. The study was based on a comparative analysis of the content of importing the activity. In total, the study covered the reports of 100 housing cooperatives operating in the West Pomeranian and Łódź Voivodeships. Apart from the restriction related to the area of activity, the selection of the sample was random. Out of the examined sample, only 27 evaluations presented the results of effectiveness of operations and economic and financial condition using the calculated financial indicators on the basis of data from financial statements. In the first phase of the study, the deduction method was used in a general way to determine the scope of disclosures in reports prepared and published by housing associations on websites. The induction method applied in the final stage of the research allowed to formulate general conclusions. In the conducted research, in particular, the methods of monographs, content analysis, descriptive analysis and comparative analysis were used. As a result of the conducted research it was found that housing cooperatives often make different choices regarding the type of indicators, calculation formulas used or the number of presented indicators. Liquidity ratios were most frequently presented. As a result of the conducted research, the current state of reporting of financial indicators by housing cooperatives was made, part of commonly used financial indicators used to evaluate companies was rejected and financial indicators were proposed that allow to assess the condition and effectiveness of specific units, such as housing cooperatives.


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