The relationship between work-family conflict and family-work conflict, and self-esteem and emotional intelligence among managers
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work-family conflict
family-work conflict
emotional intelligence

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Gliwny M. (2020). The relationship between work-family conflict and family-work conflict, and self-esteem and emotional intelligence among managers. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 45(1), 137-151.


There is no doubt that today professional roles and family life are interpenetrating spheres. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between work-family conflict (WFC) and family-work conflict (FWC) as well as emotional intelligence and self-esteem in the group of people employed in managerial positions. Participants were 217 managers (102 women and 115 men). Role conflict has been measured with a Polish version of a questionnaire “Work-Family and Family-Work Conflict Scales” Netemeyer, Boles, McMurrian; emotional intelligence has been measured with Polish “Test of Emotional Intelligence” (TIE) Śmieja and others; self-esteem has been measured with a Polish adaptation of a “Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale—SES” Dzwonkowska and others. Self-esteem coexists with emotional intelligence of the subjects and is an intermediary variable, mediating in relation to emotional intelligence with role conflicts. The research results show that there are no correlations between role conflicts and the age of the managers, their seniority and the number of directly subordinate employees.


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