Impact of outsourcing on the productivity of Polish industrial enterprises
Okładka tom 45


industrial companies
foreign services
economic value added

How to Cite

MaziarczykA. (2020). Impact of outsourcing on the productivity of Polish industrial enterprises. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 45(1), 41-52.


The ever-growing competitive requirements lead companies to introduce new solutions in their business. As a result, industrial companies are increasingly deciding to implement outsourcing. The aim of the article was to examine the impact of outsourcing on increasing the productivity of companies. The survey involved 170 industrial enterprises that are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The survey covers the period 2010–2018. Conducting the survey makes it possible to state that outsourcing has improved the productivity of Polish industrial companies. Using statistical tests, results were obtained that show that industrial companies are increasingly using solutions provided by external suppliers. The use of outsourcing in enterprises improves both their productivity and has a positive impact on the entire national economy. Outsourcing was measured on the basis of the number of external services, and productivity as an indicator of economic value added (EVA). It should be noted that there is some limitation in the interpretation of the results obtained. External services also include services that are not always outsourced, e.g. banking services. The study contains new information for Poland. It enables scientists to carry out more detailed outsourcing analyses.


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