Merging digital capital and digital governance: A framework for local government websites
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digital capital
local e-government
digital governance
websites management
municipal council

How to Cite

BailoaS. I. R. (2016). Merging digital capital and digital governance: A framework for local government websites. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 32(4), 25-43.


Most studies about websites of local public administration can be found in the area of e-government, where models developed for the management and evaluation of these websites are composed of dimensions based on criteria of technical and technological nature such as accessibility, navigability, usability, aspects decisive for its functionality and quality. However, they have left in second place the analysis of dimensions related to the management of public organizations, such as transparency, network of relationships, human capital, social and environmental responsibility, aspects that are emphasized in the theories of intellectual capital. In this area websites are considered as strategic tools of knowledge management, however, there are very few models for management and evaluation of websites based on the theories of knowledge management and intellectual capital, and those that exist are mainly for the business area. Thus, this paper intends to propose an intellectual capital model for contents management of local government websites, as the literature leaves open that possibility. The dimensions of digital capital considered relevant in the development of local government websites were: services, democratic, relational and organizational e-capital.


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