The concept of a safety culture management system in a company


occupational safety culture
occupational safety culture management systems
efficiency of management systems
fundamental company values

How to Cite

KorbelakM., & KoziołW. (2021). The concept of a safety culture management system in a company. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 49(1), 113-122.


The aim of the article is to present the concept of safety culture management systems in an enterprise and to indicate the directions of their improvement. In the course of two-stage empirical research, elements of the management system that highly determine the development of occupational safety culture were identified and described. This applies in particular to: technical and managerial competences of the management staff, modernity of IT technology, work organization techniques, cooperation, values professed in the company. These factors were found to be important criteria for assessing the effectiveness of systems for managing work safety culture. The concept of work safety culture and proposals of the authors of management systems related to work safety culture were characterized. The article concludes with general recommendations and methodological guidelines for enterprises interested in the effectiveness of occupational safety culture management systems in the context of company performance.


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