Safety and ergonomics in the work of long-term care nurses
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working conditions
work arduousness
safety at work
work organisation

How to Cite

KułagowskaE., KosińskaM., & KarolakI. (2017). Safety and ergonomics in the work of long-term care nurses . The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 35(3), 79-91.


The aim of the study was to identify working conditions, of nursing staff in the stationary long-term care facilities with special reference to occupational hazards. An anonymous questionnaire was used as a major tool of this study, which was filled out by 95 (84%) of nurses working in 7 long-term care facilities. The questionnaire contained questions concerning the work process, working conditions, equipment, workload, hazards, work arduousness and work-related complaints. Long-term care nurses generally assessed their work as very hard. In the nurses’ opinion the greatest hazards and arduousness at their work are: demanding physical load (tasks related to manual lifting and moving around of patients); demanding mental load (related to patients’ health status, patients’ aggression, difficulty in communications with patients). The collected data indicate that more than 90% of the nurses in long-term care facilities report the work-related complaints (spine pain—97%, back pain—78%, arm pains—77%, leg pains—66%, headache—45%, muscular pain—28%, eye-lids burning—18%, itching dermal lesions—17%, dizziness—15%, abdominal pain—13%).
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