Plagiarism policy

Plagiarism definition

According to the Oxford Dictionary to plagiarize means „to copy another person's ideas, words, or work and pretend that they are your own”.

What is considered plagiarism?

  • submitting someone else's work as your own;
  • copying fragments of someone else's paper or concept without specifying the author's name (omitting the reference to the work from which the text or concept was taken);
  • copying fragments of own, previously published works, omitting reference to sources (self-plagiarism);
  • omitting the quotation marks in quotations (also when the correct reference to the cited work is given);
  • providing incorrect information about the quoted source;
  • copying parts of someone else’s publication with minor changes to them (e.g. changing the structure of sentences or single words) with no references to original work;
  • copying parts of different publications and using them to compose the new paper, regardless of whether the text includes references to the original sources or does not give credit.

The author is entirely responsible for plagiarism.

  1. The editorial team kindly reminds the Authors, that according to the Editorial Ethics, submitting papers should be original, contain the results of own research or the author's original position in relation to the presented issues.
  2. The author is obliged to disclose information sources, including publications of other authors used when writing the paper by documenting them, in accordance with accepted principles.
  3. The declaration of the originality of the work and non-infringement of copyrights of third parties is submitted during the registration of the article (checking the appropriate box), and additionally in the contract concluded with the author.
  4. In the case of co-authorship of an article, the co-authors are required to disclose their contribution to its creation (in percentage) for: working concept, development of assumptions, selection of research methodology, conducting research, analysis of results and formulation of conclusions, writing the article. The co-authors' statement is attached to the publishing agreement.
  5. The author is required to provide a reliable description of the research work carried out and to provide an objective interpretation of the results obtained.
  6. The author should be prepared to submit the raw source data to the editors, in particular for the purposes of review.
  7. . All articles submitted for publication are checked with the anti-plagiarism program. The Editorial Office uses the system, applying the methodology adopted by the software developers in assessing the text. Positive evaluation of the originality of the article is the basic condition for admitting the work to the next stages of the editorial process.
  8. The full anti-plagiarism report is placed in the editorial system and made available to editors and reviewers.
  9. In the event of the uncovering of unfair practices (plagiarism, falsification of research results), the editors may decide to withdraw the article from the publishing process at any stage. In the case of an article already published, the editors will remove it from the website, indicate the reason for withdrawal and place an appropriate annotation in printed copies of the journal.
  10. In justified cases (if the author's action is intentional), the editor-in-chief shall take the decision to notify the institution which employs the author.
  11. Editorial team members are ready to post critical comments on published articles, while allowing authors of the questioned work to respond on the journal's forum.
  12. The editorial team is ready, if necessary, to provide appropriate explanations and corrections in relation to published articles, which infringe the rights of third parties.