Ecomuseums as an innovative tourism product illustrated with an example of Ecomuseum of Crafts in Dobków
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innovativeness in tourism
dispersed museum
tourism product

How to Cite

SalaK. (2017). Ecomuseums as an innovative tourism product illustrated with an example of Ecomuseum of Crafts in Dobków. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 33(1), 115-124.


The aim of this paper is to present the concept of ecomuseums as an innovative and modern tourism product. The paper pays special attention to an exceptional ecomuseum in Poland, namely the Museum of Crafts in Dobków. The article characterises the definition and the term of ecomuseum, shows its special character and points to substantial differences between an ecomuseum and a traditional museum. The publication describes the origin and development of ecomuseums in the world and in Poland. It presents the current economic situation of ecomuseums in the world and in Poland. It indicates the examples of regions with high concentration of dispersed museums. The paper was created with the use of book materials, journals, and based on the information obtained directly at the source. The research method used in the publication was literature criticism and a telephone interview. The research findings positively verified the formulated thesis that ecomuseums are an innovative tourism product, also on the Polish market.
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