The role of organizational factors in OSH management performance
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management commitment
awareness and training
unsafe behaviours
attitudes towards risks

How to Cite

PęciłłoM. (2018). The role of organizational factors in OSH management performance. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 40(4), 79-92.


In this study, we examine if and to what extent a relationship exists between organizational factors and OSH (occupational safety and health) management performance measured by employees’ behaviours and attitudes towards risks among different age groups. To answer this question, a survey of 1524 employees was conducted. The respondents were asked to assess organizational factors related to occupational safety and health OSH in their enterprises, their mental resources, unsafe behaviours, and their attitudes towards risks and injury and non-injury incident experiences. The findings of the structural equitation modelling show that there is a strong and statistically significant relationship between organizational factors, safe behaviours and employees’ attitudes towards risks. Critical ratio analyses show that there are statistically significant differences in the regression weights for the 3 age groups between organizational factors at the individual level and top management commitment. The relationship between employees’ attitudes towards OSH and accident experiences is weak. The strongest relationship is among the youngest employees (under 35 years old), and the weakest is among the oldest employees (45 and above).


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