Customer service as a determinant of the relationship with a brand and a stimulator of product quality
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product quality

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ZąbekJ. (2016). Customer service as a determinant of the relationship with a brand and a stimulator of product quality. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 31(3), 55-67.


The main aim of the article an analysis of the impact of customers experience with a brand of a car service on the choice of a car brand at the time of purchase. In the work’s concept, the element shaping a customer’s experience with a service is a mutual contact during presentation of a service offer and sale of products by staff. The additional aim of the article is to show the relationship between the ability to present an offer and sale of products, and the final quality of service measured by means of customer satisfaction level. In the article the research results conducted with a auditorium questionnaire method among customers of an authorised car service are presented. The research shows that personal experience of a customer gained during a personal contact is an important factor in the brand choice. In addition, in the automotive industry, the ability to present an offer and sale of products, being a relationship- building element between the customer and the organisation, impacts the final quality of the product. The research shows that the level of products quality expressed by the level of customer satisfaction is higher in proportion to the number of customers fully satisfied with the level of offer presentation and products sale whereas a moderate satisfaction with the level of offer presentation and products sale as well as a neutral attitude of customers towards these skills translate into a low satisfaction level with the quality of provided service.
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