The employment and economic efficiency of vocational services in Pomeranian Competences Center. Results of testing
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Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
ergonomic advice
Active Labor Market Programs (ALMP)

How to Cite

JachK. (2015). The employment and economic efficiency of vocational services in Pomeranian Competences Center. Results of testing. The Malopolska School of Economics in Tarnow Research Papers Collection, 27(2-3), 97-105.


The article presents an analysis of the employment effectiveness of the Pomeranian Competences Center (Pomorski Ośrodek Kompetencji ‒ POK) in comparison with other Active Labor Market Programs (ALMP) used in Poland. The Pomeranian Competences Center POK operates within the framework of the Voivodeship Labour Office in Gdansk as an innovative test center. The Competences Center diagnoses people with work samples in terms of psychological competences, as well as in functional capacities. Additionally, ergonomic advice in physical activity, work technique and workstation equipment is given to the clients of the Public Employment Services (PES). The assessment of the effectiveness of POK in the opinion of its customers and PES employees, as well as the data about the employment of POK customers are presented. Additionally, an analysis of the cost effectiveness of the Center was conducted, demonstrating its superior performance in comparison with other Active Labor Market Programs used on the Polish labor market. The summary indicates that the activation instruments used in the Pomeranian Competences Center seem to be of relatively high efficiency according to other research, too.
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